Social League

Empowering Young Professionals for Inclusion

Join the Special Olympics Florida Social League - a vibrant community of young professionals making a difference across Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Tampa. The Social League brings together like-minded individuals to support and engage with Special Olympics athletes, fostering a culture of inclusion and empowerment. Whether you're passionate about sports, volunteerism, or social events, Social League offers a unique platform to create lasting impact while having fun. Join us and be part of a movement that celebrates diversity and spreads joy throughout the Sunshine State.  To learn more, contact Tina Singh, 352-243-9536 x512.



The mission of Social League is twofold: First, to foster a community of compassionate and dedicated young professionals who are committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity. Second, to support and raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Florida through creative and engaging initiatives.


  • Inclusion and Advocacy: Social League aims to break down barriers and stigmas associated with intellectual disabilities. By advocating for inclusion in sports and various aspects of society, the group aims to create a more compassionate and understanding community.
  • Fundraising and Awareness: The group will organize fundraising events, online campaigns, and partnerships with local businesses to raise funds for Special Olympics Florida programs and spread awareness about the importance of the organization's work.
  • Volunteer Engagement: Social League will actively engage its members in volunteering at Special Olympics events, competitions, and community outreach programs. This hands-on involvement will help young professionals connect with the athletes and understand their needs better.
  • Professional Development: The group will provide its members with opportunities for personal and professional growth through skill-building workshops, networking events, and guest speaker sessions, focusing on leadership, teamwork, and inclusivity in the workplace.


  • Unified Sports Events: Social League will organize Unified Sports events, where athletes with and without intellectual disabilities team up to play sports together, fostering camaraderie and breaking down barriers.
  • Inclusive Social Gatherings: The group will host inclusive social gatherings, such as networking events at professional sports games, top golf, and social events, where young professionals and Special Olympics athletes can connect on a personal level.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Social League will run awareness campaigns on social media and collaborate with local influencers to spread the message of inclusion and celebrate the accomplishments of Special Olympics athletes.
  • Corporate Partnerships: The group will support Special Olympics Florida’s athlete leadership program by helping to establish partnerships with local businesses and corporations to recruit mentors along with share general volunteer opportunities.

Benefits of Joining Social League

Opportunities for personal and professional growth through workshops and networking events.

  • The chance to make a real impact on the lives of Special Olympics athletes.
  • Being part of a community that values inclusion and diversity.
  • The joy of participating in Unified Sports events and building lasting friendships.
  • Access to exclusive volunteer opportunities and experiences with Special Olympics Florida.
  • Skill-Building Workshops: Regular workshops and training sessions will be conducted to equip members with the knowledge and tools to advocate for inclusion within their workplaces and communities.

Eligibility Criteria

 To be eligible for membership in the Social League, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age: Members must be young professionals between the ages of 21 and 40 years old.
  2. Interest: Members should have a genuine interest in supporting the Special Olympics Florida mission and promoting social inclusion for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Application Process

  1. Prospective members can fill out application form.
  2. The Social League's membership committee will review all applications and ensure they meet the eligibility criteria.
  3. Optional for members interested in volunteering:  Learn more and fill out our Class A Volunteer paperwork and complete our protective behaviors training.  (Requires approximately 1-2 weeks to process)

Governance and Leadership

Each Social League will establish a planning committee consisting of young professionals responsible for organizing activities, coordinating events, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the group.

Membership Levels

  1. Committee Members (10-15) : Full members actively participate in Social League activities, attend meetings, and contribute to the planning and execution of events.
  2. Associate Members: Associate members have a more limited level of involvement but still support the group's mission and participate in select events and activities.

Membership Dues

  • Committee Members:  $1500 (Give or Get / Cash or In-Kind) Annually  (Invitation Only)
  • Associate Members:  $100


  • Require volunteer hours at one Special Olympics Florida event annually
  • Social League members will be recognized based on volunteer hours: 25, 50, 100

    Networking Opportunities

    • Members can connect with like-minded young professionals who share a passion for promoting social inclusion.
    • Volunteer Opportunities: Access to volunteer opportunities within the Special Olympics Florida organization, including events, fundraisers, and community outreach programs.
    • Skill Development: Members may have the chance to develop leadership, event planning, and organizational skills through active participation in the group.
    • Social Events: Regular social gatherings, such as mixers, sports events, and themed parties, to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among members.

    Code of Conduct

    All members are expected to abide by a code of conduct that promotes respect, inclusivity, and professionalism. Inappropriate behavior or actions that contradict the Special Olympics values will not be tolerated.

    Renewal and Termination

    1. Membership Term: Memberships can be offered on an annual basis, and members will be required to renew their commitment at the end of each term.
    2. Termination: Membership can be terminated if a member consistently violates the code of conduct or fails to meet their commitments as outlined in the group's bylaws.

    By establishing a clear membership structure, the Social League can attract enthusiastic young professionals who will actively contribute to the success of Special Olympics Florida's mission while building meaningful connections with others who share their passion.